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(1 edit) (+3)

You guys still working on this?

Better question, are you guys alright?


Development has come to a total standstill and is likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future.

But yeah, we're fine. We just have our focus elsewhere right now.


Hope You'll be allright! And of cource the community will wait for updates, heh

(2 edits) (+1)

It was a fantastic ride, regardless of if it ever gets finished. Thank you for sharing it with us all, and I truly wish the best for everyone who was involved in making it


Is their an ETA on the next update?


It's not coming, I think he ditched us.


This is actually quite good! I really enjoyed the writing.  Don't know how I haven't discovered this sooner


have you been on a hiatus for two whole years or something??

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Sorry to say this guys but I'm pretty sure that this is cancelled

he hasn't updated or even informed anything about updating it in over a year 


i did hear a while back on their discord that they are working on it a bit, there were things happening in their real lives that got in the way of development, but thats all i know

(1 edit) (+4)(-5)

Guest Modder of Orrias here. The game will have a MASSIVE revamp where images, music and other art will be added so the player will have a more erotic experience, said one of the Main developer of Orrias. uwu


Lest you harbor inaccuracies, misinterpretations, and high expectations, these are things we want to implement later down the line, but won't necessarily be included in the next update.

Furthermore, I believe in terms of written content, the updates won't be grandiose either, unless I push out a major project like a dungeon. I am, after all, the sole writer on this two-person project. With a full-time job keeping me otherwise occupied, I simply don't have the time or energy to really sit down and churn out the larger updates from when we first launched.


Thanks for stepping in to manage expectations. It sounds like the takeaways are that (1) the project is on hiatus, not cancelled, (2) updates post-hiatus will likely be more incremental than pre-hiatus updates, and (3) future goals include the addition of art.


as a dragon lover supreme i have to say i am incredibly thankful this exists


Petition for an option to become Mikhar's pet whenever you get around to updating him!


I'm actually hoping we get to fight and dominate him kinda threw me for a loop that my Dragon was scared to fight considering i have grown strong enough to one-shot most encounters at this point and have a great deal of HP (plus I've grown pretty massive at this point so having him be 50% larger than me seems almost ridiculous)


Is there an ETA on the next update?

(1 edit) (+2)

Can´t wait for more updates! The story is really good - one of a very few VNs that have feral dragon. But you gotta fix the scaling with small - medium - big dragons so there is actuall diference between it that makes sense :D

Is author ok?


Development has started back up. We do not have an ETA on an update as of yet.

Good luck) I was just worried about you. The game was in the second place

rip this game it was great while it lasted

1) Is there a wiki?
2) I am stuck with Artemis giving me a free ballad or patting me when I am sleeping - is there more progress, because he´s my favourite character ;)

3) Is there a way to progress with the small wyvern with the pearl? It keeps giving me: ´None so far.´

(1 edit) (+1)

1)idk dont think so
2)currently no
3)currently no


how do i add mods


After going through the… “I SEE YOU” encounter, does it effect anything in the game?


There's an event flag associated with it. At present, I don't believe I've implemented anything associated with it, outside of giving your dragon a severe case of "nope" when faced with the prospect of going into that cave again.


is the game still ongoin


Hiatus. We're going through some stuff that requires us to step away from the game for a while.


Sorry to hear. Hope this game continues to be worked on.

where do you download the mods?

Mods are publicly available in the game's discord server.


How to trigger bad ends? 


There's two NPCs with associated bad ends: Frost, and the Prismatic Alpha.

Frost's can be triggered by repeatedly running away from him during battle.

The Prismatic Alpha's ends vary depending on your actions. You can accept his proposal, you can reject it and lose the ensuing lust check, reject it and lose the battle, or run away from his fight. Running from him will set an event flag that will trigger at a 10% chance on most rest scenes, sending you directly to a bad end. This event flag can be removed by defeating in combat.

How do I save?

System Menu -> File -> Save

ohh i hope this project isnt dead ;w;


Not dead, just a hiatus. Writing's on hold while I deal with a lot of personal stuff and several bouts of sequential misfortune.


ahh murphy's law, i wish you the best of luck.


1, There needs to be more practical application to the lust mechanic since as it stands it only impedes additional options for sexual encounters, and I kept going to the jungle to find that flower scene just to bump up to 50.

2, Having a hint as to what choices will result in immediate sexual encounters would be nice. Not a frequent issue, but I was not expecting "Halt" to immediately go into vore.

3, The sizes could do with some readjusting as it's a bit odd to have a 8 by 4 dragon with a dick less than three inches.

(1 edit)

Pls, an option to fully submit to Mikar. I want to be his dragon pet

What does ´´meta´´ mean?


It's for potentially fourth-wall-breaking encounters. Not exactly the best for immersion.


do let me know when either the other gender options are officially added or a mod is made that adds them


it would be great, if you add some "encounter map", which includes all the encounters on a location, which one can meet, and the number of encounters which haven't been met yet

So, if you meet the alpha, and run from them, are you permanently softlocked to be succumbed to him when you rest? Is there a way to get rid of him or no? It's getting annoying trying to save data after every rest.

If you run from the alpha, the only way to get him to stop hunting you down is to actually beat him in a fight.

Deleted 2 years ago

Question, is anything going on with that wyvern with the pearl or am I dumb and didnt see an Easter egg?


I haven't written anything else with him yet, no.

For now, the little guy is doomed to be perpetually lost.

How do I get add ons for this game?

Add-ons for the game can be downloaded from the Discord server, in the Dragon Repo channel. As of this writing, there is only one add-on that has been uploaded.

I can't and refuse to use Discord, someone hacked me and impersonated as support team and demanded me to give them phone number, I refuse to go back there, I am not going to get hacked again by that toxic dude. Is there an alternative way on obtaining it?

The bad news: I have no other options available right now when it comes to hosting mod content.

The good news: There seriously isn't much mod content available that works in the current version anyway, and modding will probably be dropped later on since I have other plans that will make them obsolete.


ok, I will wait for future updates, I really enjoyed your game! I understand why there aren't other options, but thank you for understanding! 


Also, I have a suggestion for dusty, after some cuddle session, he would leave to investigate the trouble, so I thought it would be more fun if we were able to come with him and help him out, like fighting giant sandworm or something like that.

I think there's a bug in the game, I'm on mobile and I can't seem to find any new encounters asside from Artemis and I've been exploring one location for the last 10 minutes.  Anyone know of a fix?

So, the first thing I gotta ask is this:
Are you playing a female/herm character? Cuz if you are, then you're missing out on 99% of the game. All of it is super gay. There is literally no content tailored for ladies.

Oh yeah, that fixed it. I'm big dumb lol :D

Enjoying the new scenes with Dusty!

I hope to see new scenes with the poly alpha and Frost/Smoke (with player as the dom) in a future update as well, they're my favorites.

(1 edit) (+1)

Where i can find mods?

On the discord.

But there's almost nothing there, and the ones that are there aren't guaranteed to work, as I haven't seen much going on to maintain them.

Could the new Surrender option be moved away from the other combat buttons? It's easy to misclick and accidentally hit Surrender instead of Flee.


I thought I put it in a good spot, but i can look into it again. maybe a confirmation.

how can i travel to other location i play for 2 day but only open 2 location forest and plain is there any bug prevent from going to other location?

The backgrounds only change between forest and plains (since those are the only two images currently in the game) but I can assure you that travel between all the zones is indeed possible.

There are plenty of encounters that are shared in multiple zones, however. The eastern dragons are one such example.

I love the idea of a submit button! Hopefully in future updates it makes it so that players can have a full submissive dragon playthrough, or a full dom dragon playthrough. :D
I def would love to see more content for the Sea dragon by the shore or in the forest there was a Large/fat, with big assets dragon to play with. I think these two zones dont have much touched on them :D

ive noticed that i found the knight twice and since then even on new games he never shows up now but i get lots of squirrel and fab dragon encounters.

The knight can only be encountered in the mountains. Taking a certain approach to his encounter relocates him elsewhere.

just a question but is the latest build designed not to create a save date folder. im on mac and when i go to show packaged contents for any saves ive made, i dont see a save data folder like in previous builds.

It's entirely possible that i broke the Mac version when i reworked saving back in v022.

But, the save data folder hasn't really changed location.

There are two possible locations for the saves: I prefer to use the game's folder if the OS allows it, but if that fails there is a secondary folder that's supposed to always work, buried off in the middle-of-fucking-nowhere in appdata.

Launching the game and opening the save menu will tell you which location it's using, and it's path.


If neither of these are working, even if you create a new game and save it, then I'm not sure what's broken.

its all ok i tend to just use the save data to change things in text on my character. its not a big deal. :D


I'm curious exactly how much content I'm missing by refusing to ever fight anyone? I don't want to be a mean dragon... but I've been level 1 the entire time, I assume because I've never tried to fight back.

I'd say you're missing out on a lot. Think of it this way: Initiating combat doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be a mean dragon. It more or less establishes who gets to call the shots afterwards.

Take one of the Eastern Dragons, for example. They view combat as an art form, and eagerly invite you to join them, because they think it's fun. Combat for dragons is often seen as less as a sign of aggression (territorial disputes notwithstanding) and more of a contest.


My immediate reaction: "Dragons are weird."

Me right after: "...Wait most normal humans do this, it's called sports, I'm the one who's weird..."


Ok, well after trying this combat thing a few times, I think I'll skip it... doesn't seem to do anything except make me stronger, which makes it easier to win... and for some reason winning magically causes me to be a top. Which I don't want.

if you don't get stronger: *spoiler alert*

you won't be able to beat frost to meet a secret npc


No idea who Frost is so that's probably fine.

But anyway... I kinda get the impression this game expects you to be a top, because you're a dragon, and being a bottom is apparently weird for dragons. Even though many of the bottom NPCs are dragons. I don't really get it, honestly.

not really. There are several instance where being a bottom is not a bad thing. Again *spoiler alert*

1. Constantly losing fights to the chromatic dragons will let you to meet your posibly future husband (you're the bottom of course unless you want to the be top by defeating him, hardest fight in the game btw)

2. Defeating the eastern dragons made you a power bottom

3. You can bottom for the dragons that messes with a certain caravan.

So overall being the bottom is not a bad thing. But if you want to find the secret npc by beating frost, you can fight eastern dragon if you want to bottom, and choose get f*cked with territorial dragons (that's what i do)

question: i remember a comment mentioned you wanting to do a browser version. any updates on that yet?


Quick question. Is there a possibility that you will implement a reward option to Snuggle with the Alpha of the Polychromatic Dragons when you beat him him battle? OwO



Are you smol, if not, make yourself smol, because rn idk if you can attack him as a big boi

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